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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Roberta is a geek, part 1

Well, OK, so I made my living working around computers for 30 years, you have to figure there is some strain of geekiness in me. So I have a smart phone -- a Droid X -- the performance of which is currently being bogged down by the sheer number of quirky apps I have loaded on it.

And one of those quirky apps is a simulation of a Star Trek tricorder, complete with sound effects.

And one of the things the tricorder will tell me is my exact location in latitude and longitude. Right now, for instance, it tells me I am at 45 degrees 30.618 minutes north and 122 degrees 40.442 minutes west, which is within spitting distance of where Wikipedia says Portland is (45 degrees 31 minutes 12 seconds north, 122 degrees 40 minutes 55 seconds west).

And why have I dragged you through all this stuff? So I can jump up and down (metaphorically speaking) over the prospect of tagging my blog posts while on the world cruise with the latitude and longitude of where I am, even in the middle of the ocean!

I wonder whether that will actually work. I wonder how my smart phone will connect with GPS no matter where I am. I wonder whether the tricorder will still tell me the truth when I'm watching icebergs not sink my ship as we cruise around Antarctica. I wonder whether there's another app I could get that would work better.

See? Roberta is a geek.


  1. Well, now I am officially envious! A Tricorder? Well, I need one too, else how will be both get beamed up?

  2. Umm... Is there anyone that knows you that doesn't agree with that last statement? ;)

    (And.. cool... A Tricorder GPS app, what else could a girl want?)

  3. If that is all it takes to truly be a geek then I am one too. You were always the smart one but more and more I am finding we are sisters after all! Love you for being such a geek!

  4. Hi Roberta,
    I just found your blog and love your writing style! Yes you are a geek but so am I. I did a world cruise in 2009 and used a SPOT for my GPS needs. Here is a link for you to have fun learning about it.

    I used the older style dedicated device similar to this one.

    I'm looking forward to following your blog. Don't forget to get some software that allows you to prepare a blog post in e-mail off line (I used Zimbra) and then when you get on-line on the ship all you need to do is hit send. If you haven't set up your blog to post via e-mail do that in advance and test it. Also you will want picture compression software so you can send pictures as attachments to the e-mail. They will auto post.

