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Sunday, March 18, 2012


Barely a block off the ship, which is again docked at a shopping mall, I am sitting in a McDonalds so I can use their free wifi.

To my right sit two women in saris with red dots on their foreheads gossiping over cups of McCafe. Across from me is a Middle Eastern family whose father addressed one of his young sons as "Sadat" as he tried (and failed) to convince the child to sit in the yellow chair closer to the rest of the family instead of the green chair the youngster preferred. Eventually, showing international parenting skills, the father switched chairs so his toddler could have his green AND sit with the rest of the family. To my left, a possibly Chinese mother unwraps the plastic from the toys her three preschoolers got with their Happy Meals (TM). Beyond them is a Muslim woman in full head-to-toe gown.

I had planned to go out for a walk, maybe find a nice park, but having found this UN complete with free wifi, I am having trouble deciding to move on.

1 comment:

  1. I am wondering if these women went back to their own homes & hotels, and wrote their own blogs. They might mention what an international city this is, especially the McCafe, and describe the other women. They'd of course include the American woman dressed in jeans & tshirt, who looked so interesting.
