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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A chivalrous gesture

I really like sitting on deck watching the ocean go by. Sometimes I apparently take this pastime farther than anyone else on board, sitting outside when it's windier or colder than other people find reasonable. Like today, for instance, when it was bright sunny out, but with a chilly wind. Sea and air temperatures were in the low 60s, which would be T-shirt weather at home, but left me shivering as I lay on the deck chair being hypnotized by the sparkles of the sunshine on the waves.

Two men, clad in jackets and windbreakers, strode by, their pace showing they were exercising, not just strolling.

"Would you like us to get you some blankets?" one asked. There are wool blankets available to guests on the outside deck, lovely warm blankets in blue and black plaid.

"No thanks," I replied because I always say "No thanks" when someone offers to help me. It's a character flaw due, I'm sure, to an early trauma or basic lack of courtesy or cerebral short-circuits of some kind. As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I regretted them because I was cold, and those blankets are snuggly-warm, But the two gentlemen were past me, and I had made my statement, and I couldn't think of a face-saving way to change my mind. If I wanted a blanket, I could stand up and get one for myself, grumble, mumble, scrunch down into the deck chair, shiver.

A few minutes later, they came by again. This time, they didn't even ask. They just grabbed two blankets, covered me to the chin with one, wrapped up my feet (I was wearing sandals!) with the other, said, "You know, you're the only person sitting out on deck", smiled, and strode off.

Viewed from the perspective of feminist empowerment, I should resent their presumption. I say phooey on feminist empowerment. Their kindness warmed me, body and soul, and I continue to smile whenever I think about it. Like now.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! And yes, phooey on the feminist angle of this act. They'd likely have done the same for a man sitting cold on the deck, and this just shows they're men with good hearts. Beautiful again.
