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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Forward motion decided

The Captain just announced that we will proceed from here to Easter Island, even though the after effects of the storm will make the ocean "a bit lumpy" for the next several days. Rearranged itinerary gets us to Sydney, Australia, on schedule, pronounced "shedule", February 25. It's their language, his pronunciation is therefore probably more defensible than ours, and it just charms the heck out of me. Several days of "lumpy" seas will probably lose their charm quite quickly, but that's then, and this is now, and I take my charmednesses where I can get them.


  1. Re: shedule. You could ask the captain whether he's had tea with the Queen (but only if you value your life rather cheaply).

  2. Wahoo! I'm so glad that after all the storms etc., you are still getting to see Easter Island. The mystery of the place is such a draw, I hope you get pictures. I wonder if you'll sense the ancient presence of alien beings? Or some religious ritual?
