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Saturday, February 4, 2012


It took us an hour-long bus ride, half over washboard gravel roads through bleak Patagonian pampas dotted with heavily wooly sheep and the occasional rhea (like a grayish ostrich) but we finally arrived at the Otway Penguin Reserve. But you don't just drive up to see the penguins. There's a kilometer-and-a-half hike from there to where the actual penguins are, and, as is apparently typical of Patagonia, there's a stiff wind blowing off the bay to keep you from getting uppity.

But oh boy! Was it worth it! I saw probably two or three dozen penguins, magellanic penguins, a picture of some of which accompanies this post. (I apologize for the crappy quality of the photo. It is so not my medium!) Magellanic penguins make burrows in which they incubate their eggs and raise their chicks. February is at about the end of the process, so there were no cute little penguin chicks, only adolescent chicks the size of their parents, moulting grey fluff in preparation for their first trip into the ocean.

We were as far from the penguins as the penguins wanted, which in most cases was maybe ten to twenty yards. But one pair came waddling over toward the boardwalk where visitors can walk. They looked us over for a few minutes, apparently decided we weren't leopard seals or orcas, and waddled right past us across the boardwalk and snuggled down out of sight into their burrow on the other side. I was too thrilled to remember to pull out my camera, unlike the half dozen other people within sight who rushed over clicking as they came. Close enough to penguins to see the fine detail on their feathers! By the penguins' choice!

Damn I'm glad I'm doing this!


  1. It's great to hear how much you are enjoying this trip!

  2. Damn, I'm glad you're blogging what you're doing. And who cares if photography is not your medium. You're sharing this adventure through the medium at which you excel, and bringing much pleasure to many in the process. I'm thoroughly enjoying my vicarious trip around the world - thank you so much for bringing it to all of us.

  3. Oh Wow, the penguins obviously felt safe around you. How beautiful is that! I admit to feeling just a tad envious of that part of your voyage. Penguins are simply fascinating, adorable, yet truly wild creatures. I assume you "took a picture" with your mind, and that you'll not need a photo to recall that experience.
