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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Am I up for this?

Yesterday, I went to my son's house to watch the Rose Bowl (Go Ducks!) and took my passport to use his scanner to copy it. It was an exciting game that came out the right way, and in all the to-do, I managed to leave the passport there when I came home.

Now this is not a big deal. My son texted me about it this morning, I'll go over and pick it up this afternoon, it is a minor oversight, everything will be just fine, EVERYTHING WILL BE JUST FINE, no, really, it will be, just fine.

The cruise now looms so large that it's very, very difficult to think of anything else, perhaps to think at all, but I walked out of his house without something I need to get onto the ship. Admittedly, I'm not sleeping well with excitement and anticipation, so the occasional glitch is only to be expected, but forgetting my passport?

If you haven't seen the post from last October about the time I lost my passport in Moscow, you might want to flip back and take a look. Losing passports is not a good thing. It sort of argues against my being competent to travel anywhere outside the national borders.

But I'm sure, if I can just get from here to Friday afternoon without losing it again, Holland-America will take over care of my absent-minded self. And I'll be on the ship. I'll actually be on the ship. On the ocean. On lots of oceans. And exotic ports. And I've got copies of the relevant pages of the passport in pictures on my gmail account (a suggestion from my daughter Lizz), which won't entirely substitute, but it's available from any internet cafe.

I'm sure everything will be just fine.

1 comment:

  1. (This is from Joan in case I didn't explain about my user names on Google.)

    I'm sure everything will be just fine, too! Bon voyage!
