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Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I am actually off the ship and On Foreign Soil! Well, on foreign floor tiles in a big tin warehouse next to the dock where there is free wi-fi! There was a steel drum band playing as I got off -- real Caribbeans playing real steel drums. And as I sit here not using up my Amsterdam minutes, the shop and kiosk merchants are speaking to one another in a gloriously lilting singsong which does great things for what is nominally English. And I have my first Dmitri picture, which I shall append forthwith.

Well, that's not working. Damn! Didn't I used to be able to do this stuff? I suppose I could go back to the ship and try to track down their tech guy, but (a) having just whined about having nothing substantive to do, it seems hypocritical to refuse the challenge, and (b) having humbled myself to ask for help, he'll probably know nothing about Android anyway.

Well, I did figure out how to connect to the photo, but the upload speed is too slow. So I am vindicated, but you don't get to see Dmitri and me in front of Barbadian flowers in front of the prow of the Amsterdam. Stay tuned. I've got over 100 days to figure this business out. Maybe I can email the pix.

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