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Monday, January 16, 2012

There is no Mardi Gras!

I just realized something appalling : on the ms Amsterdam 2012 World Cruise, there will be no Mardi Gras. We go to bed on Monday, February 20, and wake up having crossed the International Date Line to find ourselves on Ash Wednesday, February 22, plunged directly into Lent with no compensatory bacchanalia to exorcise fleshly desires.

But what am I saying? This trip is one long four-month mobile Mardi Gras. The problem is not missing Mardi Gras, but ignoring Lent, since I seriously doubt the quantity or quality of the sensual delights will diminish in the slightest after February 22nd.

I suppose I could give up dessert or stop having a roll slathered with butter every meal. Lent, perhaps, is in the mind (or mouth) of the beholder.


  1. If you skip 21Feb, so you must live twice one another day? which one?

    1. Nope Traveling west across the Pacific Ocean, you lose a day -- go from a time zone 12 hours earlier than GMT to one 12 hours later on the next date. You must always have flown to America via Europe. Try it via Vladivostok some time. You'll get to have one date twice.

  2. Oh, Roberta.....I can't tell you how much I enjoy your posts. Shopping with Valde may have been one of my favorites - sorry for the hysterical laughter at your expense. But truly, these blog posts could evolve into a book. Thank you so much for sharing your journey!!!!
